Summer 2003! Left to right: Me, Trisha, Erin, Gretchen, Stace All beautiful sisters in the Lord, all still friends of mine today |
*Don't buy that Ashlee Simpson CD. Not only is it terrible, but CDs will be obsolete in about 10 years. And then you will be ashamed that you ever owned such a CD.
*It's okay to feel lonely. Feeling this way is what draws you to the ONLY ONE who will never leave you or forsake you: Jesus (Deuteronomy 31:6) Stop trying to cling to people and relationships that are unhealthy just because you're scared to be alone-- God is giving you this opportunity to learn to lean into and trust in Him completely.
*When you pray, listen. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, "Rejoice evermore; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Pray unceasingly and yes, ask God for the things you (think) you want and need, but mostly, concern yourself with listening and obeying what He tells you. I have never audibly heard the voice of the Lord, but I *have* heard His voice. Being in the Word is so crucial-- much more so than having a date tomorrow night or getting an A on that project that's due next week.
Si and I at an ISU football game-- Almost exactly 10 years after the top picture was taken! How time flies, and things change, PTL! |
*10 years seems like forever. Right now, it's MORE than half your life. But trust me when I say that the next 10 years will fly like you can't believe. Use these 10 years wisely-- trust the Lord, listen to Him, and be patient. His plan and will for your life is so much more than you can imagine-- some incredibly hard, hurtful times, yes, but these times will draw you near to Him and you will learn to praise Him in all circumstances.
*Last, but certainly not least-- just so you know, the toilet in the basement is actually NOT a black toilet, it is white, and it needs cleaning.