Thursday, April 21, 2016

If We're Honest

I'm not a resolution maker and I don't have a "life verse." Mostly because (context is important) and also, it's easier. :) But for whatever reason, this whole year of 2016 God has been continually putting these three words on my heart: Tell the truth.

In our social media-driven world, we are so good at filtering. Literally, our pictures more often than not have filters that can alter the true appearance of what we're posting- glossing over flaws and smoothing out wrinkles. Don't get me wrong, I love Valencia as much as the next person, but I have been convicted recently of applying filters to not only my Insta pictures, but how I share and portray my life as well-- not just on social media, but in conversations and relationships.

Sometimes, I make jokes to avoid talking about hard things.

Sometimes, I fudge the truth lie to avoid confrontation.

Often, I react to situations with disdain or judgment when in fact, I am envious or hurting.

I put a filter over what I say, how I react, what I share. I attempt to portray myself and my life as something it is not- perfect. This is a lie. (Cue Maury Povich)

Why do we do this? Why do we say things we don't really mean, or gloss over our faults and struggles? I do it because I'm afraid. I want people to see me in a certain way, but the reality is- well, that it's not. Real, I mean. We all have struggles and issues and by lying about them or glossing over their impact in our lives we hurt ourselves and as the body of Christ, we hurt others as well (1 Corinthians 12:26). We are not mean to do this life alone-- we need each other! Sharing our hurts and pain may be humiliating but it is so freeing- and what a testimony to God's grace and goodness! How much glory could be given to God by us being truthful and honest! I think about my miscarriages-- I had NO IDEA so many families had been through the same, until I shared my story. Why are we afraid to bear one another's burdens?

Being honest with ourselves and others allows God to begin to heal. It takes the focus off of ME (pride) and puts it where it rightly belongs, on HIM. John 3:30 states "He must increase, and I must decrease." By being truthful about my brokenness, about my struggles, I allow the Holy Spirit to enter and begin a good work, perfecting the situation for His good glory (Romans 8:28). Any good thing in my life comes from God. I can take no credit. The beautiful things God has and will create from our brokenness and strife is mind-boggling.

I'm doing my best to drop the filters (see- being honest here, I'm not perfect! Also I really do love Valencia...) and live an authentic, honest life. Prayerfully consider joining me.

If We're Honest by Francesca Battistelli

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